Belarusian Trade-Economic University of Consumer Cooperation

Belarusian Trade-Economic University of Consumer Cooperation

Gomel, Oktyabrya Avenue, 50.

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Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives (BTEU, Gomel) is the only cooperative higher education institution of Belcoopsoyuz in the Republic of Belarus training qualified specialists for the system of consumer cooperatives, as well as for other spheres of national economy. At present lifelong learning system of BTEU represents a variety of levels of education and forms of education and a great number of opportunities for self-realization and self-improvement. Representatives of different generations study at the university's educational programs – starting from the elderly at the Third Age Institute to younger school children (KoperLing children's camp) and preschool children (foreign language courses); modern educational and methodological approaches to teaching and upbringing are applied. History of the University had its beginning in 1964 with the opening in Gomel of the Consultative unit of Moscow Cooperative Institute of Central Union of Consumer Cooperatives of the USSR (Centrosoyuz). On its basis the Department of Correspondence Course of Moscow Cooperative Institute was opened in 1968, which was reorganized into Gomel branch of the Institute in 1975. In 1979 in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR as of 29.06.1979 № 632 Gomel branch began to function as an independent institution - Gomel Cooperative Institute of Centrosoyuz. Further milestones of status formation of the educational institution corresponded to historical changes in society and development of national educational system. In 1992 in connection with the termination of activity of Centrosoyuz of the USSR, Gomel Cooperative Institute was handed under the supervision of Belkoopsoyuz. Then, in 1993 at a joint board meeting of Belkoopsoyuz and the Academic Council, Gomel Cooperative Institute of Belkoopsoyuz was defined as basic educational institution in the system of cooperative education of the Republic of Belarus including also six educational-industrial complexes of “Vocational-technical school - technical college” and one specialized school. In 2000 the Institute was recognized as the leading educational institution in the system of continuous cooperative education in the Republic of Belarus. The university has its own editorial and publishing center and a scientific and practical journal “Consumer Cooperatives” which is included in the List of Scientific Publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus. There is a student mass media “Copernicus” published at the university. The next stage of the university's innovative development in the field of informatization was creation of video studio “Koper” in 2018. The student club has a large assembly hall for 800 seats, 8 rehearsal rooms and a dance floor. The University is an active partner of the Gomel Economic Forum, in particular, International Championship of StartUp-projects “Youth and Entrepreneurship” is regularly held on the basis of BTEU. Since 2016, on the initiative of BTEU, for the first time in the Gomel region a new educational project “Startup School Gomel” is being implemented. BTEU students have unlimited opportunities for student life: intellectual and sports competitions, volunteering and charitable activities, creativity, entrepreneurship, etc. The long-term activity of the university in the training of highly qualified personnel for national economy has always been appreciated by the state. BTEU was awarded the Honorary Diplomas of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in 2005 and 2014; in 2010 - Certificate of Honor of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. On the basis of performance for 2014 and 2017 the university was recognized as the winner in nomination “The best institution of higher education” in Gomel and the Gomel region. In 2017 and 2018 BTEU became the best among institutions of higher education in Gomel region. In 2017 the team of BTEU was awarded in the nomination For High Achievements in Personnel Training by Belcoopsoyuz. In 2019 Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives celebrated its 55th anniversary. Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives approached its anniversary with a rich baggage of educational and scientific traditions. The University is proud of its graduates, including famous scientists, public and state figures, heads of organizations, representatives of business community and lecturers. Further promising development of the university is based on active use of innovative educational technologies, all-round development of scientific potential, international cooperation, close interaction with consumer cooperation organizations and government agencies, and generally aimed at well-being and success.

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