Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

1, Universytetska str., Lviv.

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The history of the University goes back to the 17th century. In the 16th – 17th centuries, religious fraternities were the cultural centres on Ukrainian lands. With the support of burgers and the clergy, they helped spread the ideas of humanism and science and also financed a net of schools. The oldest fraternity in Ukraine was the Stauropegic fraternity in Lviv, which became a prominent Ukrainian cultural centre. A fraternity school was opened in Lviv in 1586. The Church Slavonic, Greek, Latin and Polish languages as well as mathematics, grammar, rhetoric, astronomy, philosophy and other disciplines were taught here. Lviv fraternity members were even planning to turn the “himnasion” (as they called this school) into a university. Such outstanding figures of Ukrainian culture of the late 16th to early 17th century as Lavrentiy Zyzaniy (Kukil) and his brother Stepan, Kyrylo Stavrovetskyi, Ivan Boretskyi and others worked and got a degree in Lviv fraternity school. The proclamation of independence of Ukraine is a new page in the history of Lviv University. In 1990, the university was headed by University Professor, Doctor of Science Ivan Vakarchuk. Due to the implementation of large-scale educational reforms, the new faculties and departments were opened. In 1992, the Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Philosophy were opened; in 1997, the Department of Pre-university Training. In 1992, the Institute of Historical Research, headed by Doctor of History Ya. Hrytsak was founded. Since 1997, the following university departments were formed, including the Law College, the Humanities Research Centre, the Institute of Literary Studies, the Centre for Italian Language and Culture. Since 1978, there is ongoing collaboration with the Lviv Regional Junior Academy of Sciences, which annually has about 1,000 students. The University holds classes, lectures, research workshops for students under the guidance of scholars. On October 11, 1999, by the Decree of the President of Ukraine the Ivan Franko Lviv State University was granted the status of “National”. At present, Lviv University is considered one of the most prestigious institutions of our country. It gained high international prestige and became a powerful scientific centre. On the pediment of the main building of Lviv University there is a slogan: «Patriae decori civibus educandis» (Educated citizens, the glory of the Fatherland). The university community works hard to make this idea come true. The transformation of the University into a modern European institution with the preservation of the best national academic traditions is the main goal of the university community.

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School Director: Volodymyr Melnyk

Population: 20000

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