National University of La Pampa

National University of La Pampa

Coronel Gil Nº 353 - CP: L6300DUG Santa Rosa.

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The creation of the National University of La Pampa was completed in a significantly short period of time, which barely includes the last four months of 1958. In truth, there are some antecedents, especially initiatives related to higher studies in agronomy and veterinary matters. Likewise, the fact that the creative process could unfold in such a short period of time shows that a state of favorable opinion had been formed in the leading group with decision-making capacity at that time. It is that, at that time, the means had to be created to complete the organization of the brand new province and, above all, to project it decisively towards the construction of a superior future. The creative process was strictly carried out between August 27, 1958 and September 4 of the same year. On the first date, the Decree was issued why a university institute was projected in La Pampa. It bears the number 1558/58 and designates Dr. Ernesto Benito Bonicatto for this task. It should have as its object "the study and development of knowledge aimed at solving the regional problems of the Province and its area of ​​influence". On September 2, 1958, Dr. Bonicatto submits the requested project to the national comptroller, Dr. Ismael Amit. He foresees that the University of La Pampa -as he proposes to call it- will have superior schools of Economic and Social Sciences and schools of Hygiene Visitors and Social Assistants, Electrotechnics, Obstetrics and Nursing. On September 4, the National Comptroller of La Pampa, Dr. Amit, issues Law Decree 1644/58, also signed by Ministers Héctor Carlos Fazzini and Modesto Luis A. Del Sueldo. Approves the bases proposed for the creation, organization and operation of the University of La Pampa and provides for its creation with headquarters in the city of Santa Rosa. The National University of La Pampa has as Bases and Objectives: It is an entity of public law, autonomous and self-sufficient, whose purpose is to interpret the needs of society and stimulate change in it, as well as the promotion, dissemination and preservation of culture. It fulfills this purpose in direct and permanent contact with universal thought and pays particular attention to regional and national problems. It contributes to the development of culture, within the framework of a humanistic conception, through studies, scientific and technological research and artistic creation. It spreads the ideas, the achievements of science and the artistic achievements, through teaching and the various means of communication of knowledge. It has especially the purpose of forming democratic men. It is a community of faculty, students, graduates, and non-faculty staff. It seeks the integral and harmonic formation of its components and instills in them moral rectitude, civic responsibility and democratic convictions. It trains original researchers, suitable professionals and career teachers, socially committed and willing to serve a politically free, economically independent and socially just country model. It guides graduates in teaching and research tasks and through them strengthens their relationship with society. Develop instances of self-assessment in search of an improvement of academic activities. It is essentially democratic and as such affirms and defends the democratic doctrine. It is prescinding in ideological, political and religious matters, it ensures within its premises the broadest freedom of investigation and expression, but it does not disregard social, political and ideological facts and processes, but rather studies them scientifically and seeks to provide superior solutions. .

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