University of Palermo

University of Palermo

Mario Bravo 1050, Buenos Aires.

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We use innovative teaching methodologies that enhance intellectual curiosity and deepen the learning process. Within the framework of the regulations of private universities in our country, the University of Palermo thus developed its institutional and pedagogical project based on the Vision and Mission that are explained below. The University of Palermo is an Argentine institution of higher education, private, non-profit, secular, multidisciplinary and integrated into its region and the world. Its academic community, committed to the future of the University, shares the vision that the University of Palermo is: An autonomous University, conceived as an institutional sphere with academic, scientific and economic independence, free from any power and ideological, political or religious influence. A University that upholds the democratic principles of equality and freedom, respect for human rights, ethics and justice, practices of tolerance and respect for cultural diversity and that rejects all forms of discrimination. A University integrated into its environment, whose conception transcends geographical borders, which extends its relations, exchanges and activities to the rest of the world, which affirms the urgent need for interaction of cultures and which participates in the growing internationalization. A University that seeks knowledge as an end in itself and also to be applied for the benefit of society and those who possess it. A University where ideas are freely developed and discussed in a motivating environment for study, creation and achievement. A University immersed in the constant change and explosion of knowledge that characterize the contemporary world, capable of anticipating them and becoming a positive agent of these transformations. A University with an interdisciplinary vocation, which does not limit its field of action and reflection, in which various disciplines coexist that encompass culture in a broad sense and which is made up of the humanities, the arts, the social sciences, the basic sciences and the technology. A University whose primary purpose is to provide higher level and quality education, focusing on the subject who learns with the purpose of strengthening their capacities to the maximum; a university that offers training options, both under the model of professional education and liberal education - which encompasses various modalities and levels - through flexible teaching processes that respect the right of each student to develop their personal project. A University that trains cultured men and women, both efficient professionals and teachers and researchers, specialists or generalists with leadership, cooperation, creativity and autonomy skills, with the ability to understand the global and technological context and committed to ethics and continuous personal improvement. . A University that provides services to its internal and external community, to institutions, to individuals and also to organizations and companies that make up the economic fabric, always seeking to satisfy their needs. A University that contributes to expanding knowledge, fostering technological, academic and professional development, stimulating the emergence and dissemination of ideas, promoting research and encouraging creation, generating innovation in teaching processes, in such a way that they help to identify and resolve the issues that concern and affect society, contributing to the achievement of peace, sustainable development and the improvement of the human condition.

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School Director: Ricardo H. Popovsky

Population: 100000

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